`purchaseID` int NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, UNIQUE KEY `productcode_UNIQUE` (`productcode`) These commands will create a new database with the name inventory and some tables with information. Open the MySQL workbench and run the following command. MySQL setup for Inventory Management System Project in Java

Expand the project and right-click on libraries, click on add jar/folder and browse the jar file you have downloaded from above and add it here.Now we need to add the dependencies of the project. Download the MySQL Connector jar file.Make sure you have MySQL server and Workbench installed on your system.Inside the inventoryapp package, we will create all the Java files. Now create a new package with the name inventoryapp. Open NetBeans IDE and create a new Java project with the name InventoryApp.View all past sales information and add new sale information.View all customers, add a new customer and delete any customer details.View all existing products and add a new product detail.The Stock/Inventory Manager can log in to manage the inventory using the credential root as username and root as password. Output for Inventory Management System Project in Java.Complete Code for Inventory Management System Project in Java.

MySQL setup for Inventory Management System Project in Java.